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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

exam sms 3

How many days it will take to read a book of 1000 pages?
writer: 6 months
doctor: 2 months
lawyer: 1 month
profsr: 1 week
student: only in one night right before the exam.

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How 2 spnd 3hrs in xam hall?
(2pm to 5pm)
2:00- 2:10 writ d reg no? cod
2:10-2:40 read crfuly d instrctn given
2:40-3:40 read d questn paper twice
3:40-4:15 see if you understand any question
4:15-4:20 ask 4 water & drnk
4:20-4:50 check whether u’ve filled al d details carfuly
#Last 10 mnts relax..

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To accomplish great things,
We must not only act,
But also dream,
Not only plan but also believe,
Best wishes for your exam.

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Wats d height of hope??
It is: sittin in d exam hall,
holdin d question paper in hand
n tellin ur self
“dude,dnt worry.
Exams wil get postponed!”

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My nights are going sleepless,
my days are going useless.
So I asked GOD, "is this love?".
GOD replied, "no dear, result is near".

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Exams are like Girl friends
- Too many questions
- Difficult to understand
- More explanation is needed
- Result is always fail!

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AXams are there,
at the paper u stare;
the answer is nowhere,
which makes u pull ur hair.
The teachers make u glare,
the grades r not fair,
but just like the past 20 yrs,

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A father asks peon: How are the studies
in this college? Where do I see my son in future?
Peon: The future is bright, I had also
completed my engineering from the same college!

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