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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Happy Father Day sms 1

“F” aithful.
“A” lways there.
“T” rustworthy.
“H” onoring.
“E” ver-loving.
“R” ighteous.
“S” upportive.

~~~~~=== www.smsxx.blogspot.com ===~~~~

If father is happy then God is
happy and if father is angry the
God also angry so try to happy your father.

~~~~~=== www.smsxx.blogspot.com ===~~~~

Little girl & her father crossing a bridge.
Father Said: Please hold my hand
Girl: No dad.. You hold my hand.
Father: Whats the difference?
Girl: If I hold your hand & something happens to me.
Chances are that I may let your hand go,
but if you hold my hand,
I know for sure,
you will never let my hand go..!

~~~~~=== www.smsxx.blogspot.com ===~~~~

You’ve seen me laugh
You’ve seen me cry
And always you were there with me
I may not have always said it
thanks and I love you
Happy Father’s Day

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God gave me the greatest gift I ever had,
God gave me a best friend in the form of my dad.
Father’s Day wishes for a dad who is one in a million!

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Happy Fathers Day
Happy Fathers day means more
than have a happy day
It means i love you first of all
Then thanks for all you do
It means you mean a lot to me
and that I honor you

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Some things are just better the way they are like you!
Happy Fathers”Day!

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For the best dad who always had a smile for me.
Though we may be far apart right now,
But here’s a big hug and kiss for you
To let you know how special you are
Happy Father’s Day!

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