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Thursday, April 15, 2010

english sms 62

Principal:If Any Boy goes to Girls Hostel.
Rs.100 Fine 4 1st time.200 4 2nd time.
500 4 3rd time.Aakash:Sir,How much for Monthly Pass?

~~~~~=== www.smsxx.blogspot.com ===~~~~

You learn to like some1
when you find out what makes them laugh
but u can never truly love some1
until u find out what makes them cry.

~~~~~=== www.smsxx.blogspot.com ===~~~~

One Tree Makes One Lakh Matchstick But One Matchstick can burn One Lakh trees.
Moral: one Negative thought can burn all positive thoughts!"

~~~~~=== www.smsxx.blogspot.com ===~~~~

The Sweetest Way 2 Propose

"Excuse Me ,

Do You Have

A Band Aid

B'coz I Hurt My

Knee When I

Fell In Love With U "

Gd Eveng

~~~~~=== www.smsxx.blogspot.com ===~~~~

If msgS coMe at D wrNg TyM,Sory 4 d DsTrBnCe.
& weN Ur fone beepS onLy 2 fND oUt its me,hoPe u R Not disapoiNtd,
im jst sm1 hU Cares&misSeS U

~~~~~=== www.smsxx.blogspot.com ===~~~~

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