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Thursday, April 15, 2010

english sms 72

Who said english is easy???
Fill in the blank with YES or No...
1. -----I dont have brain...
2. -----I dont have sence...
3. -----I am stupid

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You know It's love when forever is not long enough.
My love 4 u is like time,
if u give it just one moment,
it will last forever..
Good Mring

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Be Strong Enough to Accept the Challenges of Life.
Dont say to God 'WHY ME ?' instead say 'TRY ME'.
Thats the Spirit of Life.. Celebrate It

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A Good friendship is not when the perfect people Come together.
Its when imperfect people learn to Enjoy each others differences..

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L:- Love With All The Herat

o:- Overcome Probleams To Gother

v:- Value Evrething You Share

e:- Encourage Each Other

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