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Thursday, April 15, 2010

english sms 100

i need heartbeat,,,To have a heartbeat,
i need a Heart,,,To have a Heart,
i need Happiness,,,To have a Happiness,
i need you..!!

~~~~~=== www.smsxx.blogspot.com ===~~~~

If you are stressed,
you'll get pimples...
if you cry, you'll get
wrinkles... So, why
don't you smile & get
dimples? Keep smiling.

~~~~~=== www.smsxx.blogspot.com ===~~~~

Inbox is EMPTY?

Outbox is EMPTY?

Draft is EMPTY?


"U" and "UR" Memories are Over loaded in my..?

:-* H

~~~~~=== www.smsxx.blogspot.com ===~~~~

Tears can sometimes be more special than smiles.....
For smiles can be given to any one but tears are only shed for people we love...

~~~~~=== www.smsxx.blogspot.com ===~~~~

Good friends care for each other.
Close friends understand each Other.
And true friends staty forever beyond words,
beyond time.

~~~~~=== www.smsxx.blogspot.com ===~~~~

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