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Thursday, April 15, 2010

english sms 34

Nature has given u a face,but U have 2 provide the Expression,

Be careful !
Your Each Expression will leave an Impression in others Heart.

~~~~~=== www.smsxx.blogspot.com ===~~~~

I can 4get a face,I
can 4get a home,I can
4get a place,I can
4get a name,I can 4get
a game,I can 4get even
myself,But 4getting u
? 4 get it

~~~~~=== www.smsxx.blogspot.com ===~~~~

FRIENDSHIP isn't about
whom you have known
the Longest, who came
First or who Cares the
Best. It's all about
Who Came and Never

~~~~~=== www.smsxx.blogspot.com ===~~~~

Stones r many but Diamonds r rare,
Singles are many but Pairs are rare,
Tears r many but Smile are rare,
Friends r many but like U R RARE..

~~~~~=== www.smsxx.blogspot.com ===~~~~

If every rain drop would b one of
ur SMILE..
I wish dat it rains heavily throughout,
So dat, there z no space for tears in ur life!

~~~~~=== www.smsxx.blogspot.com ===~~~~

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